Friday, May 16, 2014

Prevent Your Facebook Account From Being Hacked

Now a days Facebook is a famous social  site in the world. It is one of the best site to communicate at one place to another in the world easily . But Now a days, the facebook hacking process are increasing day by day and also hacked. Any people or your friends can try to surprised you or collect your facebook documents or many causes by hacking your facebook account. So it is very important to Prevent Your Facebook Account from being Hack

You can prevent your facebook account by following some instructions :

  • Go to the "facebook(.)com" and Sign Up her by fill in the blanks properly.
  • Add your email which is you are using lile "" .

  • Password is given for keep this account secure. So it's important to give here a strongest password. You can make your password strong by giving a large password and also the combination of characters or letters or Numbers or special characters like "845%IT3456".
  • Then click to sign up and if the ask a security Question.,thats important to choose a question and answer to a good security question which Is memorable, Simple , Cannot be easily guessed or researched and Doesn't change overtime.
  • Now you should go to your email address and confirm your account.
  • Then log in your account and go to Settings-> General-> Email and here add another email id and save it.

  • Go to Privacy Settings -> Who can see my stuff?-> Who can see your future posts? and select the "Friends" Option. Ensure-that you accept only persons you know-as-your-friends as when you accept strangers, you allow them to access your personal-information.Because its always good to avoid_posting any Personal or Financial details.

  • It's good to Change Password regularly and use an unique passwords. If any doubt of your fb account,  it's important to change your password.

  • Go to Security Settings-> Trusted Contacts. and choose here two or three or more contacts which helps you to find your account if hacked. Don't Forget those contacts.

  • Go to Security Settings->Login Notifications and select email or Text message or both and save it . It helps you to know when your account is accessed from a computer or mobile device that you haven't used before.The Facebook Company will notify you by email or Text message or both.

  • Don't click on any links of apps,games and others that you are not sure of. You should Avoid-permitting third party apps which or who accessing your information.
  • Sometimes someone can send you a spam email or any spam link. You should avoid this and Don't Click any unknown link.
I think this steps may keep your  facebook account secure . And be careful from being your facebook account hacked.


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